1. Mould Archive
Mould archive 10,000 'over there, and with each passing day, new
patterns are added to the pattern profile. reprehenderit in sit magna
irure sint adipisicing qui incididunt reprehenderit ut consectetur.
Cupidatat nostrud ad, quis lorem magna deserunt ut minim anim esse
1. Mould House
Nulla dolore nulla lorem reprehenderit in sit magna eiusmod quis in,
The Mould House from 7 to 10 days in the mold is completed and
approved by the profile drawings, test print is ready to be taken.
tempor ea culpa veniam. Nulla laboris occaecat adipisicing dolor
commodo, sed proident id deserunt lorem in dolore in aute dolor
veniam. Anim esse elit laboris irure sint adipisicing qui incididunt
reprehenderit ut consectetur. Cupidatat nostrud ad, quis lorem magna
deserunt ut minim anim esse ipsum occaecat dolore dolor consequat.
2. Production Process
With your order of 4 extrusion presses from 7 to 10 days of
becoming ready for shipment.
3. Anodizing Quality
All of the profiles is anodized micron thickness from 12 to 14
4. Machinery Labour Services
Fully automatic CNC machines, all you want is as error-free
operations such as drilling and cutting angle.
Aluminium profiles and accessories
2. Extrusion Parcour
All of the raw material used in extrusion presses and the QATAR
( Hydro ) and CANADA. As the points are the highest quality
aluminum billet. Billet material obtained by melting down scrap
never is.
3. Quality - Control Phase
Starting with taking orders, detailed profiles of products at every
stage until the installation of the vehicle passes through quality
4. Palletizing and Shipping Process
Scratching the surface of products during transportation and
protection profile to avoid damaging the tape (adhesive foil)
covered with, nylon, or wrapped in kraft paper, wood pallets, as
shown in the picture is ready for shipment.